Positive Thinking for Kids!

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Positive Quote of the Day:

The test we must set for ourselves is not to march alone but to march in such a way that others wish to join us.

Hubert Humphrey ________________________________________________________  

Thanks for checking out the updated Positive Thinking for Kids website!  Our mission is to offer ideas and information that will enable us all to teach our children about the Power of their Minds and the benefits of Positive Thinking. 

What IS Positive Thinking?  Well, there is a misperception that Positive Thinking  involves the CONTROL of our thoughts.  This is not exactly true.  Thoughts are endless and at times, merciless.  What we can control is what thoughts WE PAY ATTENTION TO and HOW WE REACT to our THOUGHTS.  Positive Thinking is NOT about trying to control WHICH thoughts we HAVE.  It isn’t just about saying positive things over and over in the hopes you will convince yourself you are nice, patient, thin, smart, etc.

While repeating positive affirmations can definitely be helpful and I practice it every day, Positive Thinking is about CHOOSING to pay attention to the positive thoughts, DISMISSING the negative thoughts, and REACTING appropriately to all thoughts so as not to cause suffering for yourself or others AND to bring about the most beneficial outcome for all.

By focusing on POSITIVE THINKING, we co-create our destinies by tapping into God, Infinite Intelligence, the Universe, or whatever one may call the Source.    One could say it is choosing God’s will for our lives.  This is not a new concept, despite what some self-help gurus may lead you to believe!  Many religions do promote GUARDING YOUR THOUGHTS AND WORDS as one important tool to being a good, happy person.  But, the idea apparently isn’t getting through to the masses because of all of the “rules and regulations” surrounding it.  

If you do an internet search for “Positive Thinking for Kids”, you will get almost 70 million results (our website is #1).  Regardless of that monstrous number, it seems as a whole there is not much widely available "power of the mind" material out there directed specifically to younger children and teens.  I intend to change that!  Why aren't we teaching our kids about the true CREATOR of HAPPINESS that is WITHIN us?  The direction of our lives BEGINS in our minds!   And, the direction of our CHILDREN'S lives begins in OUR minds. 

If we adults are miserable, wallowing in our self-pity and stuck with ingrained, negative habits of thought, what are our kids going to learn about positive thinking?   It is the old adage “do as I say, not as I do” in action!  Through my research and experience, the SUREST way to teach your children about positive thinking is by the EXAMPLE YOU SET.  There is just no way  around it! YOU are the SOURCE of your OWN happiness.  So, now every week you will find new articles available on this site that are also intended for YOUR personal development!

      With every thought, with every action, with every reaction, we are in fact creating what  happens in our daily lives!

So, it is time to spread the news about the power of the mind to your kids!   Positive Thinking for Kids is an awesome place to start learning!  Check out the other pages on our site for more info to help your kids (and yourself) including articles, ebooks, links, quotes, a blog, and a forum!  And, please be sure to sign our Guestbook!

 Remember, by practicing optimism and Positive Thinking, your kids will lead happier, more satisfying lives NOW instead of later.  Think Positive!  We are what we think about




Contact info@positivethinkingforkids.com for more info.


Our Suggested Reading about LIVING 

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